[dns-operations] hosting. nameservers partial unreachable

Dan McCombs dmccombs at digitalocean.com
Mon Jan 29 20:08:16 UTC 2024

We're seeing issues reaching CentralNic managed nameservers *.nic.(online,
tech, xyl, space, etc.) in Europe as well. It looks like their prefixes are
being hijacked by China Mobile and being advertised by FLAG telecom. We had
to filter out those routes in order to reach them again.

Anyone on this list from CentralNic that could look into things?


Dan McCombs
Senior Engineer I - DNS
dmccombs at digitalocean.com

On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 2:53 PM A. Schulze via dns-operations <
dns-operations at dns-oarc.net> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "A. Schulze" <sca at andreasschulze.de>
> To: "dns-operations at lists.dns-oarc.net" <dns-operations at lists.dns-oarc.net
> >
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 20:50:00 +0100
> Subject: hosting. nameservers partial unreachable
> Hello,
> to day I noticed unreachable nameserver [a-d].nic.hosting. via IPv4
> approved by at least two locations by such script:
> for transport in tcp notcp; do
>    for protocol in 4 6; do
>      for host in a b c d; do
>        printf "${host}.nic.hosting/${protocol}/${transport}:"
>        if dig -${protocol} @${host}.nic.hosting. hosting. soa +timeout=1
> +retry=1 +short +${transport} 2>/dev/null | grep --silent
> hostmaster.centralnic.net; then
>          printf "ok\n";
>        else
>          printf "fail\n";
>        fi
>      done
>    done
> done
> from AS31334 and AS15451:
> a.nic.hosting/4/tcp:fail
> b.nic.hosting/4/tcp:fail
> c.nic.hosting/4/tcp:fail
> d.nic.hosting/4/tcp:fail
> a.nic.hosting/6/tcp:ok
> b.nic.hosting/6/tcp:ok
> c.nic.hosting/6/tcp:ok
> d.nic.hosting/6/tcp:ok
> a.nic.hosting/4/notcp:fail
> b.nic.hosting/4/notcp:fail
> c.nic.hosting/4/notcp:fail
> d.nic.hosting/4/notcp:fail
> a.nic.hosting/6/notcp:ok
> b.nic.hosting/6/notcp:ok
> c.nic.hosting/6/notcp:ok
> d.nic.hosting/6/notcp:ok
> from other locations I got 16x ok
> Sometimes I also saw some OK for IPv4, too bit resolver so not retry as
> often.
> Any hints?
> Andreas
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "A. Schulze via dns-operations" <dns-operations at dns-oarc.net>
> To: "dns-operations at lists.dns-oarc.net" <dns-operations at lists.dns-oarc.net
> >
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 20:50:00 +0100
> Subject: [dns-operations] hosting. nameservers partial unreachable
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