[dns-operations] Cannot send mail to outlook.com due to olc.protection.outlook.com configuration issues

Noel Butler noel.butler at ausics.net
Sat Oct 7 08:11:48 UTC 2023

On 07/10/2023 06:36, Craig Leres wrote:

> I've had edns0 in resolv.conf for a really long time but even if I 
> comment that out I'm still unable to deliver mail.

Silly question I know, but you'd be surprised how many don't... Did you 
stop/start your mail server after this change on resolv.conf?

> Also I get SERVFAIL or a timeout if I lookup 
> outlook-com.olc.protection.outlook.com.

As others have confirmed, this does yield replies.

Hrmmm you used to be able to use rs.dns-oarc.net to test edns but it's 
either gone MIA or I'm thinking of the wrong hostname, in which case I'm 
sure someone will chime in with the correct one :)

Noel Butler

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