[dns-operations] K-root in CN leaking outside of CN

Mark Andrews marka at isc.org
Sat Nov 6 18:22:17 UTC 2021

And if it wasn’t one of the root server instances it could have been one of the COM / NET server instances. BGP results in some strange traffic flows at times.  You don’t notice it most of the time.

Lots of countries have instructed their ISPs to modify / intercept DNS responses / requests.  Spoofed answers reaching unintended clients will always happen.  In this case it happened to a query / response directed to a K root server instance.   It could have easily been an NET server instance and depending upon the country mucking with the responses a WHATSAPP.NET server instance. 

Just sign your zones so those that do validate can reject spoofed answers. 

Mark Andrews

> On 7 Nov 2021, at 04:58, Manu Bretelle <chantr4 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 6, 2021 at 12:01 AM Mark Andrews <marka at isc.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > Both DNSSEC and Qname minimization would have helped the resolver detecting bogus answers, or just getting to com. in the first place, while this would have helped, there is still an ongoing leak.
>> So why isn’t Facebook/Meta DNSSEC signing their zones?  It’s definitely possible to do that.  DNSSEC validation can’t reject spoofed responses if the records being looked up are not signed.  You have known that China, Turkey, Egypt ... are modifying answers for your zones for years but failed to take prudent steps to mitigate the damage.
> Maybe I should rephrase that as "Both DNSSEC validation and Qname minimization...". I don't want to get into the debate of zone signing the final zone here and if I am not mistaken, in this specific example, it would not have changed anything given that the resolvers impacted are not validating. Had they been validating, they would not accept the invalid answer from k-root, or at least whatever is responding instead of it, would have failed to another letter (given that not all letters are impacted from their vantage point), eventually have found its way to com and proceed as usual.
>> > Longer story for the ones that want to dig more into it....
>> >
>> > I am asking because we (FB/Meta) got reports from an ISP in MX which users were not able to access whatsapp.net. For instance, answer would be which is not quite the right answer....
>> I know lots of ISPs validate responses.  If they where and you where signing there would not have been an issue.  The resolver would have rejected the A RRset and tried another server.
> Those ISPs, as much as I can tell in this example, would not have been impacted. But again, this post is about the behaviour to the root, not the specific domains used in the example.
> Thanks,
> Manu
>> > Some initial debugging from the ISP seemed to point to k-root acting up. e.g something alike:
>> >
>> > ```
>> > # dig +trace d.ns.facebook.com
>> >
>> > ; <<>> DiG 9.11.13 <<>> +trace d.ns.facebook.com
>> > ;; global options: +cmd
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      m.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      e.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      g.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      j.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      k.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      b.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      l.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      a.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      i.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      d.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      f.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      h.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      NS      c.root-servers.net.
>> > .                       518379  IN      RRSIG   NS 8 0 518400 20211117170000 20211104160000 14748 . inFOlh92Cxaf58/AdV/M4SZ37+MCm6PMOn6RNHDtE1MR6yvD0sfSPui9 YR3o9Yix/55zuodOWkCh7A0mMosbC5v2gMeiR9iw5jWko5dU7tPPSMnL MZNgsRvIjuR80RWOJnvEVZyz45BXtFWd6UcCIG3BahAUSOXAWhqhkNP4 gF6YeDsZHElhjvhWAzBA/44aFCJPT2nySKuzH4cGRulhO0remY6CHD4o 59fQooYT8lopP6SWdHOmDYhdb6/UBGDELd35QwGG0MDAMSie6jZGGkeb DhAuTFRWzboxlbqQw3nyYlH0Ot8lSatzhx0Cl0rNIBTboFQiWIUMgtVi PeRj0Q==
>> > ;; Received 1125 bytes from in 0 ms
>> >
>> > ;; expected opt record in response
>> > d.ns.facebook.com.      65      IN      A
>> > ;; Received 51 bytes from in 231 ms
>> > ```
>> >
>> > Looking a bit more into it:
>> >
>> > Querying d.ns.facebook.com/A against k-root directly from MX probes:
>> >  https://atlas.ripe.net/measurements/33184386/
>> > ```
>> > $ blaeu-resolve -m 33184386 -q A d.ns.facebook.com
>> > [] : 13 occurrences
>> > [] : 1 occurrences
>> > [] : 1 occurrences
>> > [] : 2 occurrences
>> > [] : 1 occurrences
>> > [] : 1 occurrences
>> > Test #33184386 done at 2021-11-05T20:36:59Z
>> > ```
>> >
>> > Getting an answer in the first place is kind of unexpected but I will not focus on the ones returning the correct answer (e.g
>> >
>> > Checking the probes that return those results:
>> > ```
>> > ripe-atlas report --renderer dns_compact 33184386
>> > ...
>> > ...
>> > Probe #27558: 2021-11-05 13:36:59 NOERROR qr ra rd d.ns.facebook.com. 98 A
>> > Probe #31355: 2021-11-05 13:37:01 NOERROR qr ra rd d.ns.facebook.com. 146 A
>> > Probe #52013: 2021-11-05 13:37:01 NOERROR qr ra rd d.ns.facebook.com. 179 A
>> > Probe #52660: 2021-11-05 13:37:00 NOERROR qr ra rd d.ns.facebook.com. 150 A
>> > ...
>> > ```
>> >
>> > Those probes will fail to reach (k-root) over TCP.
>> >
>> > Checking which id.server is returned by the k-roots reached by those probes:
>> >
>> > ```
>> > ripe-atlas measure dns --query-argument id.server --query-type TXT --query-class CHAOS --from-country MX --target
>> > https://atlas.ripe.net/measurements/33184807/
>> > ```
>> >
>> > where the interesting snippet is:
>> > ```
>> > $ ripe-atlas report --renderer dns_compact 33184807
>> > ...
>> > Probe #27558: 2021-11-05 14:08:54 NOERROR qr rd id.server. 0 TXT ns1.cn-ggz.k.ripe.net
>> > Probe #31355: 2021-11-05 14:08:55 NOERROR qr rd id.server. 0 TXT ns1.cn-ggz.k.ripe.net
>> > Probe #52013: 2021-11-05 14:08:55 NOERROR qr rd id.server. 0 TXT ns1.cn-ggz.k.ripe.net
>> > Probe #52660: 2021-11-05 14:08:55 NOERROR qr rd id.server. 0 TXT ns1.cn-ggz.k.ripe.net
>> > ...
>> > ```
>> >
>> > Traceroute from those probes to k-root:
>> > https://atlas.ripe.net/measurements/33184963/
>> >
>> >
>> > Looking at the traceroutes
>> > ripe-atlas report --renderer traceroute --traceroute-show-asns  33184963   
>> >
>> > shows that the last AS before reaching a CN AS and also the first transiting AS from the probe is AS32098
>> >
>> > which when checking their looking glass: https://lg.transtelco.net/ uses path:
>> >
>> > Transtelco Inc. (AS PATH: 32098)
>> > ->
>> > Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (AS PATH: 4134)
>> > ->
>> > Not found (AS PATH: 58466)
>> > ->
>> > China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (AS PATH: 138457)
>> > ->
>> > Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) (AS PATH: 25152)
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Manu
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>> --
>> Mark Andrews, ISC
>> 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
>> PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742              INTERNET: marka at isc.org
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