[dns-operations] Blockchain Address Transparency with DNS

Vittorio Bertola vittorio.bertola at open-xchange.com
Fri Jul 23 08:32:09 UTC 2021

> Il 22/07/2021 21:36 InterNetX - Marco Schrieck <marco.schrieck at internetx.com> ha scritto:
> Hi Eduardo,
> Maybe you take a look on this. its is something similar:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mayrhofer-did-dns/

That draft associates a hostname with a URI pointing to a DID document, i.e. the identifier for a digital identity, rather than with a blockchain address in general. At the ID4me project (www.id4me.org) we are also working on a way to store a DID document directly within a DNS record, saving the HTTP connection. However, I am not sure whether Eduardo's use case is about identities or more general than that.

I would have comments on Eduardo's proposal (e.g. in the case of the TXT record I would recommend the use of a specific underscored prefix) but possibly this is a discussion for DNSOP, rather than for DNS-OARC.

Vittorio Bertola | Head of Policy & Innovation, Open-Xchange
vittorio.bertola at open-xchange.com 
Office @ Via Treviso 12, 10144 Torino, Italy

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