[dns-operations] contact to jimdo.com

Simon Arlott simon at arlott.org
Tue Jan 26 09:53:05 UTC 2021

On 2021-01-26 09:43, A. Schulze wrote:
> I've an issue resolving MX-Records for domains hosted at 
> [ns11,ns12].jimdo.com
> The servers answer same questions in different ways:
> dig @ns11.jimdo.com. MIRISSIMA.DE. MX +norec
> dig @ns11.jimdo.com. mirissima.de. mx +norec
> -> NOERROR, answer
> BUT: question for an A-Record are answered no matter upper- or
> lowercase is used.
> So my MTA try to deliver messages to the webserver :-/

Try doing some more queries. It's not based on the case of the query.

Looks like a load balancer and different versions of the zone. If you 
query for the SOA you can get two different serial numbers.

Simon Arlott

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