[dns-operations] What is the reason of J-Root doesn't serve the arpa zone?

Yasuhiro Orange Morishita / 森下泰宏 yasuhiro at jprs.co.jp
Sun Dec 5 16:42:42 UTC 2021

Hi Duane-san,

I'm also an Internet old timer, so I know that the root servers also
served com / org / net before.  But I didn't know why J-Root don't
provide arpa zone.  Thank you for your clarification and it is so

I tweeted the summary of your explanation in Japanese:

And I heard from another person that J-Root holds the arpa zone, but
not delegated.  It is also interesting.

-- Orange

Yasuhiro 'Orange' Morishita <yasuhiro at jprs.co.jp>

From: "Wessels, Duane" <dwessels at verisign.com>
Subject: Re: [dns-operations] What is the reason of J-Root doesn't serve the arpa zone?
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2021 23:39:48 +0000

> Thanks for the opportunity to add some clarity around J-root and
> the arpa zone.  Here is a brief history of events that can provide
> some context:
> In the 1996 time frame there were 9 root servers: A through I.  In
> addition to the root zone, they also served a number of TLDs,
> including com, net, org, and arpa.
> It is important to understand that when Jon Postel expanded the
> root servers in 1997 to include J, K, L, and M, the new ones only
> served the root and root-servers.net zones.
> In June 2000 RFC 2870 was published with section 2.5 stating:
>       [root servers] also MUST NOT provide secondary service for
>       any zones other than the root and root-servers.net zones.
> Around this same time (+/- 1 year) the first nine root servers
> stopped serving com, net, and org, but not arpa.
> In November 2002 K, L, and M were added to the NS list for arpa,
> but J was not.  We can't speak to decisions made by the other
> operators, but Verisign chose not to put j.root-servers.net in the
> NS set based on the language of RFC 2870.
> DW
>> On Dec 2, 2021, at 10:08 PM, Yasuhiro Orange Morishita / 森下泰宏 <yasuhiro at jprs.co.jp> wrote:
>> Caution: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 
>> Hi,
>> Now I'm writing an article for Japanese people that introduces the
>> IETF's recent DNS-related activities, and I have a question about the
>> current "arpa" zone.
>> RFC 9120 says:
>>   Historically, the "arpa" zone has been hosted on almost all of the
>>   root nameservers (NSs), and [RFC3172] envisages the "arpa" domain to
>>   be "sufficiently critical that the operational requirements for the
>>   root servers apply to the operational requirements of the "arpa"
>>   servers".  To date, this has been implemented by serving the "arpa"
>>   domain directly on a subset of the root server infrastructure.
>> Yes, it is "almost all", not "all".  Currently, the "arpa" zone has
>> been hosted on 12 root servers, except to J-Root.
>> Probably, this is a part of the "Historically", but I want to know why.
>> -- Orange
>> -- 
>> Yasuhiro 'Orange' Morishita <yasuhiro at jprs.co.jp>
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