[dns-operations] IMPORTANT: Please ensure your NSEC3 iteration count is sufficiently low

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at dukhovni.org
Fri Apr 16 18:56:50 UTC 2021

On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 02:29:07PM -0400, Puneet Sood via dns-operations wrote:

> Google Public DNS is also planning to cap NSEC3 iterations to a safe value.
> Do you have data you can share on the prevalence of high iteration count
> NSEC3 zones?

Sure, below are the absolute, percentile, and cumulative percentile
frequencies by iteration count for ~10.9 million domains using NSEC3.
The cumulative numbers are from 0 iterations up, but the table below is
in reverse order, showing the high iterations first, I hope that's not
too confusing.

The suggested cutoff is presently at 150, with just 279 zones out of
10.9 million using more than 150 iterations.

   #iters       #zones       %zones  cumulative%
   ------       ------       ------  -----------
     4096            1       0.0000     100.0000
     2500            3       0.0000     100.0000
     2000            1       0.0000     100.0000
     1600           50       0.0005     100.0000
     1337            2       0.0000      99.9995
     1024            1       0.0000      99.9995
      500           67       0.0006      99.9995
      487            1       0.0000      99.9989
      423            1       0.0000      99.9988
      400            6       0.0001      99.9988
      360            1       0.0000      99.9988
      333            3       0.0000      99.9988
      330           56       0.0005      99.9987
      300            4       0.0000      99.9982
      250           61       0.0006      99.9982
      200            3       0.0000      99.9976
      197            1       0.0000      99.9976
      177           17       0.0002      99.9976
      ----------- suggested cutoff -------------
      150         5070       0.0464      99.9974
      149           21       0.0002      99.9510
      128            6       0.0001      99.9508
      127         2956       0.0271      99.9508
      120            1       0.0000      99.9237
      107           15       0.0001      99.9237
      101            1       0.0000      99.9236
      100       978251       8.9571      99.9236
       99            5       0.0000      90.9665
       96            1       0.0000      90.9664
       90           20       0.0002      90.9664
       85           26       0.0002      90.9662
       81            8       0.0001      90.9660
       80            1       0.0000      90.9659
       75           33       0.0003      90.9659
       69            1       0.0000      90.9656
       64           16       0.0001      90.9656
       55            1       0.0000      90.9654
       54            1       0.0000      90.9654
       53            1       0.0000      90.9654
       52           18       0.0002      90.9654
       51            1       0.0000      90.9652
       50        11837       0.1084      90.9652
       43            1       0.0000      90.8569
       42           16       0.0001      90.8568
       40        50605       0.4634      90.8567
       35           12       0.0001      90.3933
       34            1       0.0000      90.3932
       33          697       0.0064      90.3932
       32           74       0.0007      90.3868
       31            4       0.0000      90.3862
       30           12       0.0001      90.3861
       25           27       0.0002      90.3860
       24           66       0.0006      90.3858
       23           20       0.0002      90.3852
       22            4       0.0000      90.3850
       21         5383       0.0493      90.3849
       20       510107       4.6707      90.3357
       19            5       0.0000      85.6650
       18            8       0.0001      85.6649
       17           13       0.0001      85.6649
       16        14801       0.1355      85.6648
       15         4113       0.0377      85.5292
       14           19       0.0002      85.4916
       13           88       0.0008      85.4914
       12       302246       2.7674      85.4906
       11          106       0.0010      82.7232
       10      1204263      11.0265      82.7222
        9           40       0.0004      71.6957
        8      1168469      10.6988      71.6953
        7        25308       0.2317      60.9965
        6           55       0.0005      60.7648
        5      1366608      12.5130      60.7643
        4           40       0.0004      48.2513
        3        28243       0.2586      48.2509
        2         3816       0.0349      47.9923
        1      5234737      47.9305      47.9574
        0         2933       0.0269       0.0269


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