[dns-operations] systemd resolved ignores specified root

Derek Wilson jderekwilson at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 14:12:11 UTC 2020

> Actually if the name ends in a period, the name is tried “as is” and the search list
> is NOT applied.

I agree that this is how it should be, but systemd-resolved DOES NOT
DO THIS for single label names which is the whole problem here and in
the github issue.

On a systemd box, `uz.` is not treated as an FQDN and if `uz` does not
exist in a search domain, resolved will tell you SERVFAIL. For `dk.`
and `ai.` as well this is particularly at issue because all three of
these names have A records for IPs behind which their registries run

What's super unexpected is this:

    $ nslookup com.

    ** server can't find com: SERVFAIL

Which exits 1 on systemd linux but exits 0 with NODATA on mac. This
breaks stuff.

Maybe there are only a handful of use cases for which this breaks
things, but one of those use cases is security research around TLDs in
DNS which seems important.

> Applying a search list when the user/application has told the system not to is
> a security risk.  Changing API behaviour to ignore well known mechanisms to do
> this is a security risk.

Agreed - this means systemd resolved treatment of TLDs with trailing
dots as not-fully-qualified is a security problem.

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