[dns-operations] DNSViz Access to C-root

Alarig Le Lay alarig at swordarmor.fr
Thu Jul 2 19:02:33 UTC 2020

On Thu 02 Jul 2020 18:34:11 GMT, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 02, 2020 at 11:51:53AM -0400,
>  Matthew Pounsett <matt at dns-oarc.net> wrote 
>  a message of 76 lines which said:
> > We’ve been in discussion with Cogent for a while about finding a
> > solution to the problem, and last month finally put something in
> > place.
> And what is the solution? A static tunnel to a Cogent POP?

I’m also curious, from the NLNOG ring LG, HE doesn’t see C and Cogent
doesn’t see DNSViz:

	bird> show route all for 2001:500:2::c where bgp_path ~ [= * 6939 * =]
	bird> show route all for 2620:ff:c000::138 where bgp_path ~ [= * 174 * =]

Which I can confirm from the HE RING node and RIPE Atlas using probes
from the second class citizen ISP in France.

	grifon at hurricane01:~$ mtr -bzwe c.root-servers.net
	Start: Thu Jul  2 18:27:35 2020
	HOST: hurricane01.ring.nlnog.net                           Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
	  1. AS6939  ve1386.core3.fmt1.he.net (2001:470:0:292::1)   0.0%    10    0.3   0.4   0.2   1.4   0.0
	  2. AS???   ???                                           100.0    10    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
	alarig at jeunet ~ % blaeu-traceroute --asn 12322 --format --do_lookup --do_reverse_lookup 2620:ff:c000::138
	Using IP: 2620:ff:c000::138
	Measurement #26107957 Traceroute 2620:ff:c000::138 from AS #12322 uses 5 probes
	5 probes reported
	Test #26107957 done at 2020-07-02T18:43:15Z
	From:  2a01:e34:ed41:cb40:a2f3:c1ff:fec4:4a9d    12322    PROXAD, FR
	Source address:  2a01:e34:ed41:cb40:a2f3:c1ff:fec4:4a9d
	Probe ID:  12449
	1    2a01:e34:ed41:cb40::1    No PTR    12322    PROXAD, FR    [0.932, 0.623, 0.597]
	2    ['*', '*', '*']
	3    ['*', '*', '*']
	4    ['*', '*', '*']
	5    ['*', '*', '*']
	6    ['*', '*', '*']
	255    ['*', '*', '*']


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