[dns-operations] .ss (South Sudan) zone apex DNSKEY RRSIG expired (2020-02-07)

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at dukhovni.org
Thu Feb 27 12:59:49 UTC 2020

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 01:30:43PM +0100, Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:

> > The zone apex DNSKEY RRSIG for .SS (South Sudan) expired on 2020-02-07:
> I've mailed last week the people listed in the IANA whois database,
> but up to now, no reaction.

I see.  Did you Cc the rname from the SOA RR: <hostmaster(at)nic.ss>?  It
is not listed on the IANA page, but perhaps is actually monitored?

    ss. IN SOA root.ssnic.gov.ss. hostmaster(at)nic.ss. 2020012945 21600 3600 604800 3600

Also the Mozilla PSL lists:

    // ss : https://registry.nic.ss/
    // Submitted by registry <technical(at)nic.ss>

So <technical(at)nic.ss> should work.


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