[dns-operations] Can Root DNS server modify the response?

Wes Hardaker wjhns1 at hardakers.net
Wed Mar 27 07:14:55 UTC 2019

Jeroen Massar <jeroen at massar.ch> writes:

>  - No transparency of (root) DNS server (auth/recursive) operations
>    - would be cool if operators would provide that transparency
>    - Big Data is where the money is, DNSSEC does not really matter.

You might be interested in reading this draft, which (eventually)
enables some transparency monitoring of the root and potentially other
lower zones.  [note bias: I'm a co-author]


I suspect you may also be interested in pre-caching root data inside
your resolver, aka RFC7706 or what ICANN is lately calling "Hyper Local
Root" service, or via my [note: bias] my https://localroot.isi.edu/ service.

Wes Hardaker

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