[dns-operations] anti-business hippies (Re: the real reason for ICANN's gTLD expansion seems to be...)

Paul Vixie paul at redbarn.org
Wed Jan 3 02:04:31 UTC 2018

more pre-christmas ketchup:

John Levine wrote:
>> Except very few New gTLDs which are used and managed properly - most new
>> gTLDs bring more harm than good.
> In fairness, I'd say it's about half and half.  The half that are
> closed brand TLDs are harmless.
> It is impressive that the other half appear to be run by people who
> know so little of the world that they never imagined that when they
> cut prices and sell lots of domains for cheap, the only people who
> want lots of cheap domains are crooks.

so, here's the problem. those of us who had been doing this for a few 
decades and had some experience with prior iterations of infospam (where 
the internet's capabilities create new ways to do old things, including 
new ways to do old crimes), said when the new gTLD programme was 
approved and launched, "this is going to create problems."

a whole lot of savvy innovators heard what we had to say, and spoke the 
same formulae that their spiritual brothers had done in every prior 
iteration of this game: "you guys are just aging anti-business hippies, 
it's time for you to get out of the way and let the real world work the 
way the real world works." and whether we got out of the way or not, the 
new money got their way and did their things with our stuff.

being proved right by history, over and over, begins to lose its appeal.

P Vixie

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