[dns-operations] Open source release of the DNS-STATS Compactor

Terry Manderson terry.manderson at icann.org
Wed Jun 21 00:15:44 UTC 2017

We are pleased to announce the first open source release of the DNS-STATS Compactor - version 0.10.1.
The Compactor is a suite of tools which can capture DNS traffic (from either a network interface or a PCAP file) and store it in the Compacted-DNS (C-DNS) file format. PCAP files for the captured traffic can also be reconstructed - for more information please see the project wiki: https://github.com/dns-stats/compactor/wiki
Packages available from:    ppa:dns-stats/compactor
Source code available at:    https://github.com/dns-stats/compactor
Documentation:                   https://github.com/dns-stats/compactor/wiki/user-guide.pdf, https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dnsop-dns-capture-format-02

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