[dns-operations] It looks like .BIZ has started blocking EDNS(1) and unknown EDNS flags over IPv4.

Casey Deccio casey at deccio.net
Thu Sep 29 12:03:45 UTC 2016

> On Sep 28, 2016, at 8:52 PM, Mark Andrews <marka at isc.org> wrote:
> .BIZ fixed it within hours of reporting the issue.
> It's currently clean.  https://ednscomp.isc.org/ednscomp/cf1bf4f539 <https://ednscomp.isc.org/ednscomp/cf1bf4f539>
> https://ednscomp.isc.org/ednscomp <https://ednscomp.isc.org/ednscomp> is available for testing any
> zone's servers for EDNS compliance.
> Yesterday's EDNS Compliance report for TLD's can be found at
> https://ednscomp.isc.org/compliance/tld-report.html <https://ednscomp.isc.org/compliance/tld-report.html>

Thanks for the work, Mark.

For what it's worth, EDNS compliance tests were added to DNSViz analyses, though at the moment they require checking the "EDNS diagnostics" box in the "Advanced options" area when performing the analysis (this will likely become the default in the future).

The following were both performed today:


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