[dns-operations] High IPv6 latency between a.root-servers.net and AS3320

Weinberg, Matt mweinberg at verisign.com
Tue Oct 11 16:31:47 UTC 2016

We’ve made adjustments to correct this issue.   RIPE Atlas measurements also see the adjustment.  

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.


On 10/10/16, 4:11 PM, "Weinberg, Matt" <mweinberg at verisign.com> wrote:

    Thanks Robert and Sebastian.  We’ve identified the issue and should have it resolved soon.  I will close the loop on this thread when the work is complete.
    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
    Matt Weinberg
    Director, Resolution Operations
    mweinberg at verisign.com
    m: 703-999-5670  t: 703-948-4678
    12061 Bluemont Way, Reston, VA, 20190
    Verisign.com <http://www.verisigninc.com/>
    On 10/10/16, 11:00 AM, "Robert Kisteleki" <robert at ripe.net> wrote:
        We have lots and lots of measurements in RIPE Atlas to help here, and also
        some visualisations like
        which illustrates the issue quite clearly.
        On 2016-10-10 16:26, Weinberg, Matt wrote:
        > Sebastian,
        > We’re happy to look at this further with you.  Could you please contact me directly to troubleshoot further?  
        > Thanks,
        > Matt
        > Matt Weinberg
        > Director, Resolution Operations
        > mweinberg at verisign.com
        > m: 703-999-5670  t: 703-948-4678
        > 12061 Bluemont Way, Reston, VA, 20190
        > Verisign.com <http://www.verisigninc.com/>
        > On 10/10/16, 9:59 AM, "dns-operations on behalf of Sebastian Wiesinger" <dns-operations-bounces at dns-oarc.net on behalf of sebastian at karotte.org> wrote:
        >     Hello,
        >     we noticed a high latency when querying a.root-servers.net from
        >     AS3320 over IPv6.
        >     These are the graphs we get for IPv4 and IPv6:
        >     https://www.karotte.org/pics/a-root-AS3320-v4.png
        >     https://www.karotte.org/pics/a-root-AS3320-v6.png
        >     As you can see IPv4 latency is around ~12ms and IPv6 latency is around
        >     200ms with up to 600ms and packetloss at (I assume) peak times.
        >     Querying the hostname via IP6 gives me "rootns26-fra1" or
        >     "rootns23-fra1" while querying via IPv4 gives "rootns20-fra1" or
        >     "nnn1-fra1" which suggests IPv6 should still be Frankfurt.
        >     A traceroute doesn't help much:
        >     traceroute to 2001:503:ba3e::2:30 (2001:503:ba3e::2:30) from 2003:61:4002::2, 15 hops max, 24 byte packets
        >      1  2003:61:4002::1 (2003:61:4002::1)  3.592 ms  4.16 ms  1.477 ms
        >      2  * * *
        >      3  xe-1-1-0.r1.bb-fo.sfo1.vrsn.net (2001:504:d::c1)  169.598 ms  165.617 ms  167.042 ms
        >      4  xe-0-2-0.r2.bb-fo.sfo1.vrsn.net (2620:0:5050:fa01::96)  164.333 ms  185.201 ms  160.947 ms
        >      5  xe-1-2-0.r2.bb-fo.lax2.vrsn.net (2620:0:5050:fa01::7d)  176.661 ms  174.751 ms  175.169 ms
        >      6  xe-1-1-0.r2.edge-fo.lax2.vrsn.net (2620:0:5050:fa02::56)  180.437 ms  174.502 ms  174.655 ms
        >      7  * * *
        >      8  * * *
        >     I assume some sort of routing weirdness but can't find out more... I
        >     hope someone here can help in sorting this out.
        >     Best Regards
        >     Sebastian
        >     -- 
        >     GPG Key: 0x93A0B9CE (F4F6 B1A3 866B 26E9 450A  9D82 58A2 D94A 93A0 B9CE)
        >     'Are you Death?' ... IT'S THE SCYTHE, ISN'T IT? PEOPLE ALWAYS NOTICE THE SCYTHE.
        >                 -- Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant
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