[dns-operations] New DNS testing tool: Check My DNS (in development)

Jerry Lundström jerry at dns-oarc.net
Thu Oct 6 15:33:31 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Check My DNS [1] is a continuation of all the DNS testers that we
already have at DNS-OARC [2].  Since the testers share design,
implementation and/or code this project aims to combine them all and
support new tests with a specific framework for testing the resolver
side of DNS.


As a start we now have tests for QNAME Minimization, DNSSEC, TCP and
IPv6 Connectivity with future plans to add tests for DANE/TLSA, Reply
Size, Port and DNS Entropy.  Beside these tests we also detect if the
resolvers are using TLS, TCP or UDP and IPv4 or IPv6.

The framework is made up of 3 parts, a homegrown DNS server, a REST API
and a web application running JavaScript code that can do post-test
analysis of the results and display the results in a modern way.

The DNS server has the capability to generate unique/never-seen-before
zones that can be delegated and spread out over an IP range.  These
zones are then queried by the browser in order to use the clients
resolvers and all queries and results are stored for retrieval from the

Happy testing!


[1] https://www.dns-oarc.net/oarc/services/cmdns
[2] https://www.dns-oarc.net/oarc/services/dnsentropy

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