[dns-operations] DNSTools

Babak Farrokhi babak at farrokhi.net
Fri Apr 8 18:34:21 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I have been doing some research on DNS traffic routing lately and put 
together a few tools to find out reliability of different public DNS 
servers. The result is dnsping, dnstraceroute and dnsperf tools[1]. Of 
all these three tools, dnstraceroute is very interesting because it can 
help the end user to compare the routing path for their DNS traffic and 
find out if their ISP is doing anything nasty with their DNS traffic, 
based on QNAME or QTYPE.

I would like to encourage you to try them out and let me have your 
valuable feedback.

[1] https://github.com/farrokhi/dnstools

Babak Farrokhi

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