[dns-operations] Nice to see Amazon Route 53 remove the EDNS(1) filters for *.co.uk.

Edward Lewis edward.lewis at icann.org
Wed May 27 10:29:01 UTC 2015

Overall question.  Looking at the chart on that URL, it seems like things
are trending the wrong way, with the possible exception of the one
well-performing bunch - the "Bottom 1000 Servers" [sic].

Is that right?  Excepting the one bump up on May 20, it seems like things
are actually trending down, not up.

On 5/27/15, 6:06, "Mark Andrews" <marka at isc.org> wrote:

>The jump up on May 20 was the EDNS(1) block being removed from
>the Amazon Route 53 *.co.uk servers.  Now for the other blocks
>of servers to stop block EDNS(1) queries.
>There are some TLD operators who could do the same.
>Mark Andrews, ISC
>1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
>PHONE:	+61 2 9871 4742		         INTERNET: marka at isc.org
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