[dns-operations] com. Glue

Mark Andrews marka at isc.org
Tue May 19 21:58:58 UTC 2015

In message <CAGfsgR3kQ+NbGKbLYp2eQHvrPB-V=ZPxbo5grUZ3+LxDdVOzzQ at mail.gmail.com>
, Jim Popovitch writes:
> Hello,
> I'm stuck in the middle with $registrar saying glue exists, and
> intodns, et.al., saying no glue exists.   I would appreciate any
> insight into why there is no glue appearing for speedyiguana.com (a
> mailman dev/test system that i use)

You mean why there are no additional records added for the nameservers
and that is because the servers for .com and .org are disjoint so
answers for .com names can't return records that are in the .org

The com servers do not load the address records for dns1.domainmail.org
et al. because they are not within or below any of the zones served
on those servers.  Even if those records were included in the zone
the nameservers will not make them visible.

$registrar is actually saying that a host record exists.  Depending
upon the relationships of the names involved this can result in
glue records being added to the zone.

To actually look up speedyiguana.com a recursive nameserver has to
go and ask the org servers for dns1.domainmail.org which will get
glue as the servers are a.geoip-dns.org which are also the servers
for geoip-dns.org itself.


Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: marka at isc.org

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