[dns-operations] Writeup of Spring Workshop

Doug Barton dougb at dougbarton.us
Tue May 12 17:09:00 UTC 2015

On 5/12/15 9:52 AM, Rick Jones wrote:
> On 05/12/2015 03:00 AM, Ralf Weber wrote:
>> I am not saying that we should not do DNS over TCP. It's in the RFCs.
>> But there is a cost on doing traffic over TCP compared to UDP and that
>> is the case even if we only consider normal and not DDOS traffic. I'm
>> not sure if TCPs role will get significantly bigger over time, given
>> that people who operate large chunks of DNS seem to be very careful
>> about avoiding it and so far EDNS has done a good job for us.
> To what extent does the broadening availability of TCP Fast Open affect
> the cost of TCP versus UDP calculus?

Yes, that's similar to what I was going to reply to Ralf, more generally 
if TCP performance were better for DNS (i.e., it's less of a "cost" to 
the system) does the inevitable fallback to TCP for real DNS traffic 
become more palatable for you?

It's fine to say "EDNS will solve this," but 15 years later it hasn't 
yet. :)


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