[dns-operations] Writeup of Spring Workshop

Erwin Lansing erwin at lansing.dk
Tue May 12 07:53:37 UTC 2015

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 05:20:07PM -0700, Paul Vixie wrote:
> >
> > So as said we agree that the Community should put more effort in 
> > getting the Linux people to do better UDP stack instead of switching 
> > DNS to TCP, which other people have been suggesting.
> so, i'd be very curious to see a linux-vs-freebsd UDP bakeoff (just
> using recvmsg/sendmsg) since i know that both kernels have had a great
> deal of performance work done to their UDP stacks in the past decade.

Putting on my FreeBSD hat, I'd be very much interested in that as well.
There's very active development going on in the FreeBSD network stack,
so any concrete and specific numbers, bottlenecks, experience, etc. I
can take back (or make introductions) to the developers will be most
welcome.  That's both UDP and TCP, IPv4 and IPv6, of course.


Erwin Lansing                       (o_ _o)        http://droso.dk
                                 \\\_\   /_///
erwin at lansing.dk                 <____) (____>

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