[dns-operations] cool idea regarding root zone inviolability

Patrik Fältström paf at frobbit.se
Thu Nov 27 06:40:39 UTC 2014

Thanks Paul,

FWIW, I have been working on this for a while with the Diplo foundation, and I am happy to answer questions (and of course listen to concerns).


> On 27 nov 2014, at 05:26, Paul Vixie <paul at redbarn.org> wrote:
> at:
> http://www.diplomacy.edu/policybriefs
> we see:
> http://www.diplomacy.edu/sites/default/files/DiploFoundation%20Policy%20Brief%20No%204%20WEB.pdf
> which contains:
>> Policy suggestions1
>> • The Internet root zone should be inviolable at
>> any time, wherever it may be located.
>> • No state should have the jurisdiction to
>> prescribe, adjudicate, or enforce policy over
>> the Internet root zone.
>> • The Internet root zone may only be modified
>> through existing procedures or new ones that
>> might be introduced in September 2015.
>> • The inviolability of the Internet root zone
>> should be based on customary law that
>> recognises the consistent practice of no
>> unilateral interference by the US authorities in
>> the content of the Internet root zone.
> ...and more.
> --
> Paul Vixie
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