[dns-operations] DDNS updates for to ns3.apnic.net

Doug Barton dougb at dougbarton.us
Thu Apr 24 22:10:45 UTC 2014

On 04/24/2014 02:55 PM, Chuck Anderson wrote:
> Do you know of a way via DHCP to tell the clients to not use 6to4?

You can't do it with DHCP, but you can do it with a group policy.

You have to disable it on the DCs first though, because otherwise you 
will get some nastiness.

The commands you're interested in (especially the second):

netsh interface teredo set state disabled
netsh interface ipv6 6to4 set state state=disabled undoonstop=disabled
netsh interface ipv6 isatap set state state=disabled



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