[dns-operations] Introducing CNAME Flattening: RFC-Compliant CNAMEs at a Domain's Root

Anthony Eden anthony.eden at dnsimple.com
Fri Apr 4 14:50:49 UTC 2014

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:36 PM, David C Lawrence <tale at akamai.com> wrote:
> Bring me a world in which SRV for HTTP without location bar
> redirection is commonplace, and we'd be happy to encourage its use.

I agree 100%. I'd much rather it be done on the client than to have to deal
with implementing it on our servers.

> Anthony Eden writes:
> > While CloudFlare did not give any credit to previous work done
> > (which sort of pisses me off, but whatever), they are essentially
> > implementing the same thing that Amazon did with their ALIAS
> > implementation, the same thing that we did with the DNSimple ALIAS
> > implementation, and the same thing that DNSMadeEasy did with ANAME
> > records.
> FWIW Akamai has been doing it since 2003, but I don't feel
> particularly put off that they didn't itemize how their competitors
> do similar things.

Ah, I didn't know that. Have you or others from Akamai ever written up
anything about your implementation?

Anthony Eden

Twitter: @dnsimple
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