[dns-operations] DNSSEC problem with 174.in-addr.arpa

Andy Smith andy at strugglers.net
Sat Nov 16 17:56:58 UTC 2013


DNSSEC seems to have been broken on 174.in-addr.arpa for about 2
days now:

    <174.in-addr.arpa. NS IN>: no keys have a DS with algorithm RSASHA1 from for key 174.in-addr.arpa. while building chain of trust

and http://dnsviz.net/d/174.in-addr.arpa/dnssec/ says:

    174.in-addr.arpa/DNSKEY:DS RRs exist for algorithm(s) 5 in the in-addr.arpa zone, but no matching DNSKEYs of algorithm(s) 5 were used to sign the 174.in-addr.arpa DNSKEY RRset.

So, who should that be reported to? ARIN?


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