[dns-operations] Whimsical AXFR behavior ?

Marjorie marjorie at id3.net
Mon Jun 24 00:03:10 UTC 2013

That definitely makes sense. I guess fpdns might be able to confirm this.

On 24-06-2013 01:56, Jon Lewis wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jun 2013, Marjorie wrote:
>> 4. Now something more puzzling, I have noticed at least one NS that 
>> exhibits some sort of random behavior: it typically denies AXFR at 
>> the first attempt but after repeating the request five or seven times 
>> (more or less) it finally releases the zone data as requested... some 
>> days it is not in a good mood: after 20 tries it still says "No !" 
>> o:) So that depends. I am really wondering what makes a NS behave 
>> like that ?
> Load-balancer + some fraction of misconfigured servers that haven't 
> restricted AXFR access?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
>                              |  therefore you are
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