[dns-operations] PIR's (.org) Web site looks… default...

Peter Losher plosher at isc.org
Tue Sep 11 03:38:26 UTC 2012

On Sep 10, 2012, at 8:27 PM, Peter Losher wrote:

> 10  ip-50-63-189-22.ip.secureserver.net (  76.068 ms  76.594 ms  75.694 ms

That explains it - it's on a GoDaddy host. (secureserver.net is one of GoDaddy's properties)  I suspect the hosts in the US are still under attack.

I now can get the PIR base page HTML, but no images... More collateral damage it seems.

[ plosher at isc.org | Senior Operations Architect | ISC | PGP E8048D08 ]

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