[dns-operations] a question about the nameservers

Olafur Gudmundsson ogud at ogud.com
Tue Nov 6 18:32:30 UTC 2012

On 06/11/2012 02:30, zhanglikun wrote:
> <<RFC 2181 section 5.4.1 Ranking data>> says the child side is more
> trustworthy
>     The accuracy of data available is assumed from its source.
>     Trustworthiness shall be, in order from most to least:
>       + Data from a primary zone file, other than glue data,
>       + Data from a zone transfer, other than glue,
>       + The authoritative data included in the answer section of an
>         authoritative reply.
>       + Data from the authority section of an authoritative answer,
> Likun
Yes this is true but reality is that most resolver are "lazy" i.e. they 
expect/hope that child's NS will arrive in
an answer from the child. This does not work at all if child name 
servers are using "minimal-answers".
What I have been promoting is that Resolvers explicitly ask a Child 
server for the NS set and store that,
number of resolver implementers resist that because of the one extra 
query this would cause each time a
new domain is discovered.


>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: dns-operations-bounces at lists.dns-oarc.net
>> [mailto:dns-operations-bounces at lists.dns-oarc.net] On Behalf Of Olafur
>> Gudmundsson
>> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 10:36 PM
>> To: dns-operations at lists.dns-oarc.net
>> Subject: Re: [dns-operations] a question about the nameservers
>> On 26/10/2012 05:43, Feng He wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> If the nameservers in parent is different from the ones in
>>> auth-servers, what will happen?
>>> For example, with this case you can see the difference.
>> Take a look at this:
>> https://www.dns-oarc.net/files/workshop-201103/ICANN-SF-Looking-at-D
>> NS-traces.pdf
>> There is difference in how resolvers behave some resolvers will store
>> the first
>> NS set they see and use that one  (Parent centric resolvers)
>> Others will accept NS set from child and over ride the first one (Child
>> centric)
>> If the child use minimal answer may resolvers are forced into
>> Parent centric mode as they NEVER ask the child what its NS set is.
>> There are resolvers out there that use the Parent NS for the first query
>> but
>> explicitly ask one of the name servers in the Parent NS set what the
>> child version is.
>> In short there are multiple behaviors out there and disagreement on what
>> the
>> "correct" behavior is.
>> The child's interest are best served if the Parent and Child NS sets are
>> identical.
>>       Olafur
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