[dns-operations] The (very) uneven distribution of DNS root servers on the Internet

Dave Knight dave at knig.ht
Thu May 17 19:38:57 UTC 2012

On 2012-05-17, at 2:28 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:

> Just to put a stake in the ground, is this the problem statement people agree with:
> Some ISPs want to act like root servers, so the root server operators should help those ISPs do so.

There's an important distinction to be made between 'act like a root server' and 'slave the root zone'. Their appropriate course of action in the first case ought to be to contact a root server operator to discuss hosting an anycast instance. It's the second case we're discussing here.

I'd restate the problem as:

Some ISPs want to slave the root zone, so the community should document best practices.

Those best practices may include guidance for how root server operators might best make the root zone available.


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