[dns-operations] NS answer inconsistency between implementations for delegated zone

Mark Andrews marka at isc.org
Fri Mar 16 21:08:51 UTC 2012

BIND 8 did it both ways depending apon whether RD was set or not
and whether we offered recursion.  RD=0 or we didn't offer recursion
then a delegation was returned.  If recursion was desired and it
was available then a answer was returned.  This was a compromise
due to using a single database for both the cache and authoritative

Nameserver, when iterating, don't set RA so referral were returned
to them.   Stub resolvers (which dig emulates by default) got answers.

BIND 9 has code to detect referrals promoted to answer and treat
them as referrals.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: marka at isc.org

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