[dns-operations] Scheduling of workshops

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Fri Jan 13 15:41:53 UTC 2012

I don't mean to pick on SATIN, but seeing that the DNS-OARC meeting 
is potentially scheduled to be the day before SATIN with the IETF the 
next week got me to wondering...

It's a good thing to "attach" the DNS-OARC workshops to other events, 
for reasons including the workshops are generally just a day or maybe 
two and this is a global organization.  Traveling just for a one day 
event is an inconvenience.

But should we try to limit the "other events" to which DNS-OARC 
workshops are attached.  (By attached I mean scheduled a day 
immediately before or after and nearby.)  I can see attaching to 
ICANN meetings, IETF meetings, APRICOT, and maybe even NANOG (which 
is both a North American and global meeting).  Perhaps there are 
other candidates.  I'm just describing a strawman.

I wasn't inclined to attend SATIN, and if DNS-OARC is before it, I 
would pass the workshop up.  Not that this is a great sacrifice (I 
haven't been to DNS-OARC workshops the last two years), I'm just 
laying out a data point.  Had DNS-OARC been the day before IETF I 
would have considered it.  Especially if it were in Paris too - but I 
don't mean to take away from SATIN's host's offer to host in London.

The issue is just the number of days away from home and general 
costs/inconvenience of travel.

To sum up - because I know talking about meeting arrangements can be 
touchy - I'm not objecting to having the workshop before SATIN, nor 
having standalone workshops in the future, but wondering if DNS-OARC 
wants to make a policy that at least once a year the workshops meets 
attached to a "major" event or perhaps, at least once every other 
time or three times.  I don't want to crimp flexibility in scheduling 
and the chance to meet new people in person, just want to reduce the 
travel load.

Edward Lewis
NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

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