[dns-operations] Name server turning off RD bit in response - just curious

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Tue Aug 7 17:55:53 UTC 2012

At 13:40 +0200 8/7/12, Faasen, Craig wrote:

>Which is not compliant with RFC 1035: "RD Recursion Desired - this bit may
>be set in a query and is copied into the response."

While true, being a violation that is, I wouldn't worry about it. 
I.e., make the script loose here.  It's like doing 60 in a 55 zone, 
on paper it's an infraction but it makes no material difference.

There are many places where the old RFCs either over or under 
specified actions.  This is a case over over specification.
Edward Lewis
NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

2012...time to reuse those 1984 calendars!

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