[dns-operations] Root server operator contact information

Doug Barton dougb at dougbarton.us
Sun Jun 26 21:21:41 UTC 2011

On 6/26/2011 2:16 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
>>> If there are operational issues with the root, IANA staff have the
>>> ability to contact our relevant partners, whether it is VeriSign,
>>> NTIA or the root operators, to research or resolve an issue. You can
>>> always report issues to root-mgmt at iana.org for our attention.
>> Good to know, thanks.
>>> I don't think it is common practice for zone operators to publish
>>> the contact details for all the operators of individual
>>> authoritative name servers.
>> I thought the root was a bit special in this regard, and the root
>> operators would prefer quiet notifications when they are encountering
>> technical challenges, instead receiving the notices through IANA.  If
>> this isn't so, all the better.  A single point of contact certainly
>> simplifies matters, at least as far as reporting is concerned.
> iana is our father, we shall not want.  and here i thought the internet
> was not about centralization of control.  silly me.

Any rootops who want people to contact them directly have it entirely in 
their power to publish that contact information. The IANA offering a 
central point of contact as a matter of convenience isn't 
"centralization of control."



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