[dns-operations] Odd queries from win2k3 box with MSDNS and IPv6

Brielle Bruns bruns at 2mbit.com
Wed Jun 22 15:31:58 UTC 2011

Hello All,

I asked this question on another list, but got no answer, so I figured 
I'd try here.

We're seeing alot of weird A record queries from a MS DNS server on 
Win2k3 (yes, I know, it wasn't my choice to run these).  For example,


(with somedomain.com being our default search domain)

These queries are forwarded from the 2k3 server to our PowerDNS recursor 

Anyone have any kind of insight or idea why this system is sending these 

It will do it with or without IPv6 support enabled on the network 
interfaces, and does not appear to be coming from a client device that 
uses it for resolving DNS.

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group
http://www.sosdg.org    /     http://www.ahbl.org

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