[dns-operations] lot's of .local traffic

Jeroen Massar jeroen at unfix.org
Mon Jul 25 10:27:29 UTC 2011

On 2011-07-25 11:43 , William F. Maton Sotomayor wrote:
> All,
>     While sitting here at the Delta Quebec City's hotel wobbly network,
> I'm noticing a lot of traffic similar to this:
> 05:18:36.525990 IP > 0*- [0q]
> 4/0/3 (Cache flush) PTR champagne.local., (Cache flush) PTR
> champagne.local., (Cache flush) AAAA fe80::da9e:3fff:fec2:ccc8, (Cache
> flush) A (250)
> 05:18:36.527240 IP6 fe80::da9e:3fff:fec2:ccc8.5353 > ff02::fb.5353: 0*-
> [0q] 4/0/3 (Cache flush) PTR champagne.local., (Cache flush) PTR
> champagne.local., (Cache flush) AAAA fe80::da9e:3fff:fec2:ccc8, (Cache
> flush) A (250)
> Judging from other traffic like this, it seems to be iJunk generated
> from various iThings.  Is a lot of this traffic running up to the roots
> by any chance?

Look at those destination IP addresses and you see they are multicast
which is logical as they are used by a little protocol called mDNS.

The only big problem with this bonjour stuff is that one is effectively
flooding the network and telling everybody where they are and what they
got to offer.

You'll have to ask everybody who has one to do a:

sudo launchctl unload -w

to get rid of it, nice eh ;)


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