[dns-operations] DNS zone without an SOA or NS records

Jan-Piet Mens jpmens.dns at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 18:47:14 UTC 2011

> Is it valid to have a DNS zone that serves only A records, but does
> not contain any SOA or NS recods?

I don't think NS records are required, but I'd have thought an SOA
record would be. RFC 1035, section 5.2 says "should" but not "must":

        "Exactly one SOA RR should be present at the top of the zone."

BIND's named-checkzone issues the following diagnostics when I checkzone
a file containing a single A record:

        zone foo.bar/IN: has 0 SOA records
        zone foo.bar/IN: has no NS records

Hope that helps a bit.


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