[dns-operations] Delegation health was Re: Worst current practice example

Patrik Fältström patrik at frobbit.se
Wed May 5 21:04:05 UTC 2010

On 4 maj 2010, at 16.10, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

> On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 11:08:19PM +1000, Mark Andrews wrote:
>> is the desired result.  I suspect most registants would be more
>> than happy to have someone catch and report their errors to them
>> as they are not always easily visible unless you are a external
>> party.
> But as has been pointed out repeatedly whenever this topic comes up,
> many registries are not allowed to contact registrants directly.
> Registrars could do this for their registrants if they wanted (and in
> fact some do).  If registries do this and detect a problem, they don't
> even know that they have anything useful to do, because the registrar
> might not be the DNS operator (cf. other discussions about
> "ripple-free transfer" and DNSSEC).  

And, it is not the registrant that should know about it, but the DNS operator of the zone.

You have four roles for each domain: Registry, Registrar, Holder of the domain and DNS operator.

In some cases the same entity have more than one role, but in an amazingly large number of cases that is not the case.

I do also think that most of the confusion is that *we* who actually know the difference about the four roles are not careful enough when we use the terminology are ourselves creating most of the confusion.

I know some registries that talk about "webhosting company" or "registrar" when they in both cases in reality mean DNS operator... Or the registries that have "www." wherever they talk about domain names.

We must because of this ourselves be more careful with terminology, or else the world will never learn. I.e. we have ourselves to blame for many confusions.


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