[dns-operations] First signed root zone published

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Fri Jul 16 16:09:16 UTC 2010

At 16:12 -0700 7/15/10, Jim Burwell wrote:
>Ah nice.  I was just dig-ing around and thinking more of  the
>non-country TLDs which are DNSSEC enabled like gov and org and didn't
>think to look at the itlds (or grep the root zone file).  I guess
>we'll be seeing those others fairly soon too.  :-)

For our zones - "in due time."  In the spirit of "one step at a time" 
we are hanging back.

Edward Lewis
NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

Spouses, like Internet protocols, lack necessary troubleshooting tools. Sigh.

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