[dns-operations] compressing DNS traffic data

Jay Daley jay at nzrs.net.nz
Wed Dec 8 14:21:19 UTC 2010

On 8/12/2010, at 8:55 AM, Jim Reid wrote:

>> 2. we need to waste it even if it's cheap.  It's the same flawed logic
>> why the US cars had such low mpg ratio - because gas was cheap there was
>> no "need for efficency".
> This is a flawed analogy Ondřej. The price of storage has been going in one direction for decades. So has disk capacity. The ability to store bits is almost infinite and the unit cost for doing so continues to fall. None of these things hold true for oil.

It is most certainly not infinite and that fact underlies this protocol - the volume of DNS queries that many people see (ISPs, TLDs, etc) is well beyond the point where the cost of storage is insignificant.  Furthermore it is reasonable to expect that volume of traffic to increase just as much as disk capacity increases, so this is not going to go away.

>> If the "compression" ratio is 1:5 or 1:10 compared to raw packets, it will pay of now and in the future.
> I think the benefits of compression in this case are dubious and probably not worth the effort. YMMV.



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Jay Daley
Chief Executive
.nz Registry Services (New Zealand Domain Name Registry Limited)
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