[dns-operations] BIND version and NSEC3

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Fri May 15 15:06:55 UTC 2009

At 16:42 +0200 5/15/09, Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:
>Is it just me or is this list really turning into an alternative
>bind debug forum?

Well, I thought the same.  But I am interested in what roadblocks 
there are to DNSSEC deployment.

One thing I've noted - delegation-only.  Another case of mucking with 
the protocol that has come back to haunt us. ;)  What were once 
"delegation-only" zones are proving not to be thanks to the DS 
resource record.  That I think is salient.

But, once issues get into the details, the details don't belong on 
this list.  But I do like to know if there are operational impacts 
caused my the issues.
Edward Lewis
NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

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