[dns-operations] Problems resolving .gov using DLV

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Tue Mar 17 18:00:17 UTC 2009

So, this begs the question:  Did ISC add the dotGOV key via an 
un-authorized (as in non-authoritative) request?

I'm assuming that Chris isn't an authorized official with respect to .gov.
Or perhaps there was an official request that wasn't aired publicly.

At 17:27 +0000 3/17/09, Chris Thompson wrote:
>I feel a wee bit guilty about this whole incident, as yesterday I was
>chivying ISC to pull their finger out and get on with merging the ITAR
>"gov" entry into dlv.isc.org. Still, I suppose it would have happened sooner
>or later in any case ...

Edward Lewis
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