[dns-operations] After Google Mail, Google Docs, Google Wave... Google DNS

Chris Thompson cet1 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Dec 3 20:34:47 UTC 2009

On Dec 3 2009, Jorge Amodio wrote:

>2009/12/3 Bob Paolucci <Bob.Paolucci at rci.rogers.com>:
>> This e-mail (and attachment(s)) is confidential,
[etc. etc.]
>No offense intended but do you need to include all that crap for a two
>line response ?

Some people have these idiotic disclaimers forced on them. Show a little
charity to the differently e-mail-providered ... It was in a separate
attachment anyway, and I hadn't even noticed it until you pointed it out.

These things have no legal (or moral) force, anywhere. Just treat them
as white noise.

Chris Thompson
Email: cet1 at cam.ac.uk

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