[dns-operations] Google's name servers compressing names in SRV records

Mark Andrews marka at isc.org
Fri Aug 14 02:27:32 UTC 2009

In message <d791b8790908131007oef9caa6j1654fa254da3ac79 at mail.gmail.com>, Matthe
w Dempsky writes:
> I noticed last night that Google's name servers are compressing names
> in SRV records, e.g. "dig -t srv _xmpp-client._tcp.gmail.com
> @ns1.google.com".  According to RFC 2782, "[u]nless and until
> permitted by future standards action, name compression is not to be
> used for this field."
> Has there been any standards action permitting this, or are they
> violating the specification?  This is causing interoperability
> problems for caches that are SRV record agnostic.

	Just complain to Google that they need to fix their servers.

	RFC 2052 (October 1996) allowed compression pointers but
	it was also experimental.  We knew better by the time RFC
	2782 was published (February 2000) and compression was
	disallowed.  RFC 2782 also put SRV on standards track.

	ns1, ns2 and ns4 are affected as far as I can see.  ns3
	emits them correctly.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: marka at isc.org

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