[dns-operations] Google Chrome Pre-Caching

Chris Roosenraad chris.roosenraad at twcable.com
Wed Sep 3 21:41:30 UTC 2008


On 9/3/08 5:30 PM, "Duane Wessels" <wessels at dns-oarc.net> wrote:

> On Wed, 3 Sep 2008, Chris Roosenraad wrote:
>> www.cn
>> www.cnn.co
>> www.cnn.com
>> Similar behavior is seen for other requests (www.news.com, www.espn.com,
>> www.timewarner.com, etc).
> Oh my.

I had another word in mind, but "my" will do.

> Chris, can you tell us what it does for longer names?  For example would
> it make the following queries?
> www.ti
> www.tim
> www.time
> www.timew
> etc..


> Or does it appear to have some logic about the (current) set of valid TLDs?

Now, doing something with a longer TLD gets more queries.

www.mobile.com results in:


So it appears to understand the concept of a TLD...but as more and more TLDs
are released, I'm sure this will grow.  No doubt Google integrated some way
to get a list of valid TLDs.  For instance, the following queries were also
made by the browser:


Exactly what it is doing with those sites once looked up is left as an
exercise for the reader...

Chris R. Roosenraad
Principal Engineer
Time Warner Cable - ATG
13241 Woodland Park Road
Herndon, VA  20171
+1 (703) 345 3438
chris.roosenraad at twcable.com

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