[dns-operations] anybody from akadns here who can explain this referral?

Paul Vixie paul at vix.com
Mon Mar 3 00:33:35 UTC 2008

> > my three questions are, why is there a referral at all,
> 	Out of zone CNAME.   akamai.ec9.net != akamai.net

that's a lame excuse.  if they're going to include an authority it should
be for the name i queried under, the owner of the cname.  no way i'd believe
any other authority they sent.

> > why is it upward,
> 	I don't think the servers for akamai.ec9.net serve g.akamai.net
> 	or akamai.net or net so the next best thing is ".".

see above.

> > and why is it incomplete?

still waiting for an answer from akadns on this whole thing.

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