[dns-operations] History Question - Who first created/used DNS RBL?

Michael Monnerie michael.monnerie at it-management.at
Thu Jan 31 21:40:12 UTC 2008

On Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008 Paul Vixie wrote:
> rbl.maps.vix.com STILL gets queried, by the way.

By all those old, unmanaged mailservers, as well as newer ones who just 
copy old configs all the time. I guess the only possibilty to make them 
stop is to always give the answer "block this host", because they won't 
accept e-mails anymore and someone will have a look - maybe ;-)

mfg zmi
// Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc    -----      http://it-management.at
// Tel: 0676/846 914 666                      .network.your.ideas.
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