[dns-operations] Reporting glue as authoritive data -- Bug!

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Thu Jan 31 13:25:30 UTC 2008

At 8:56 +1100 1/31/08, Mark Andrews wrote:

>	The problem is that no one has documented what actually
>	happened and most importantly *why* it happened.  We don't
>	know if there is a hole in the protocol or not.

One more time (as in I have said this over and over in the thread).

Hybrid answers should be documented.  Peter Koch has an internet 
draft which is the current open vehicle for this.

They weren't documented because those who saw the problem had a fix. 
They didn't need to seek wider help in discussing it, especially in 
public fora.  Operators are not like academics, they don't like to 
air dirty laundry.

It isn't a protocol problem.  The problem is glue falling out of 
date.  DNS proscribed data to be in two places in the one instance of 
glue and the predictable happened.

Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

Think glocally.  Act confused.

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