[dns-operations] DNS zone transfers are now illegal in North Dakota?

Joe Abley jabley at ca.afilias.info
Fri Jan 18 04:47:05 UTC 2008

On 17-Jan-2008, at 23:45, Randy Bush wrote:

> Joe Abley wrote:
>> On 17-Jan-2008, at 22:51, Randy Bush wrote:
>>>> not a lawyer and don't play one on the net.
>>> why not?  everyone else here seems to?
>> I feel slightly unclean replying to your post with something I  
>> scraped off an ietf list, but it seems pertinent :-)
>>> First Law of Internet Lawyering: Anyone who accuses another of  
>>> being insufficiently qualified to state a legal opinion will in  
>>> the same thread state a legal opinion that they are not qualified  
>>> to make.
>>> Second Law of Internet Lawyering: Both opinions will be wrong
>>> Third Law of Internet Lawyering: It won't matter.
> damn joe, you sure are smart.  you can read right through what i  
> said and see what you would rather i have said.  i admire that.

I thought I was continuing your theme, not reacting to it :-)


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