[dns-operations] DNS zone transfers are now illegal in North Dakota?

Rodney Joffe rjoffe at centergate.com
Thu Jan 17 18:50:14 UTC 2008

On Jan 17, 2008, at 11:32 AM, Paul Vixie wrote:

>> If everyone is so intent on analogies, I think the better analogy is
>> that one is taking a photograph of the car, not driving it around.
> so you're saying i'd be a bad expert witness for the spammer's  
> side?  oh well.

On the contrary, I think you'd be a bad expert witness for  Ritz. I  
think I understood your position to be that the spammer left his keys  
on the seat and Ritz stepped in and drove the car around. I say he  
took a photograph of the illegal activities through the open door. He  
never opened the door, and he never went inside. He never disrupted or  
touched anything. And he used a camera and film that was approved for  
use by the "standards body".

You have axfr enabled for the f-root. axfr is not necessary for normal  
Internet access. Do I violate your privacy every time I do a  transfer  
from your server?

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