[dns-operations] D9.INFO.AFILIAS-NST.ORG

Joe Abley jabley at ca.afilias.info
Sun Apr 20 01:11:06 UTC 2008

On 19 Apr 2008, at 12:24 , T.Suzuki wrote:

> What are these difference between ROOT and INFO authorities ?

When you want to change the delegation NS set for a zone, and the zone  
is a TLD, you send a sensible and well-formed request to the IANA for  
action. The IANA then performs a series of checks. Once all checks  
have passed, the change is actioned.

One of the checks that the IANA performs is, I believe, that the apex  
NS set matches the requested delegation NS set.

We have updated the apex NS set for INFO in preparation for such a  
request. As such, the difference between the delegation and apex NS  
set for INFO should be considered transient.

Note that the process of changing the root zone is properly  
conservative, however, and the time between request submission and  
change being action is typically measured in days rather than minutes.


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